Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1


outcome of the Second American Conference of National Commissions of
Intellectual Cooperation, its proposal to move the IIIC or its secretariat to
the Americas served to demonstrate prominence achieved by the countries
of Latin America within the framework Intellectual Cooperation.^81
Shotwell had attended the Havana meeting as a member of the
United States’ delegation, which also counted Davis amongst its mem-
bers. In a speech that he gave at the inaugural meeting, Shotwell stated
that it was important to initiate discussion on what he envisaged would
be an essential element in any post-war settlement: the establishment of
a new international ‘organism of cultural relations and intellectual coop-
eration,’ an organism which must be ‘much more capable’ of realising
its aims than had been the League’s ICO.^82 Renoliet points out that
the proposition of the North American delegation reflected an attitude
that any successor to the ICO should strive to promote, not simply rela-
tions among intellectuals in the narrow sense of that term, but cultural
exchanges in a more extensive sense.^83 This point is evidenced by another
resolution the Havana conference: that ‘the concept of “Intellectual”
must not be interpreted as the denomination of an activity conditioned
by the exclusive interests of a group or cast’ but must be interpreted in a
sense ‘ampliamente humano’: as an activity that unfolds in contact with
‘los problemas reales’ that arise in the ‘en la vida común.’^84

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Since the time of the Berlin Pact of September 27, 1940, under which
Berlin, Rome and Tokyo forged a common front, the IPR had grown
in importance. According to its general secretary, namely, Carter, with
the conclusion of this pact American audiences had finally awoken ‘to
the tragic fact that that what was happening in the Pacific was as much

(^81) Renoliet, L’UNESCO oubliée, 159.
(^82) Comision Cubana de Cooperatión, Intelectual, Segunda conferencia americana de
Comisiones Nacionales de Cooperación Intelectual, 9. Renoliet quotes the American dele-
gation as stating that any new organisation must have ‘ample financial assistance.’ Renoliet,
L’UNESCO oubliée, 159.
(^83) Renoliet, L’UNESCO oubliée, 159.
(^84) Comision Cubana de Cooperatión, Intelectual, Segunda conferencia americana de
Comisiones Nacionales de Cooperación Intelectual, 33–4.

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