Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1

by CAME in association with the United States State Department and a
competing French plan.^246 A statement attached to CAME’s proposed
statute for UNECO acknowledged the enormity of the task of recon-
struction that lay ahead. The statement called attention to the unprec-
edented level of destruction of intellectual and cultural facilities and
resources wrought by the war. It also issued a warning in regard to the
future, stating that the

deliberate and systematic destruction by the enemy countries of cultural
resources in vast regions of the continents of Europe and Asia; the mur-
der of teachers, artists, scientists and leading intellectuals; the burning
of libraries, the pillage and mutilation of works of art, the destruction of
archives and the theft of scientific apparatus have created dangerous con-
ditions for civilisation and, as a consequence, for peace, not only in the
continents ravaged by the enemy powers, but in the entire world. To
deprive the modern interdependent world, of human and material cul-
tural resources, thanks to which its children are educated and its people
informed, is to destroy in the same measure the common knowledge and
mutual comprehension on which the peace of the world and its security
must rest.^247

The preamble to the statute of the Organisation International de
Coopération Intellectuelle des Nations Unies, which was prepared by
the IIIC in collaboration with the French government, gave expression
to similar sentiments and concerns.^248 However, it is interesting to note
that the preamble to CAME’s proposed statute, in contrast with the
statement that CAME attached to its proposed statute, made no men-
tion of the material and moral devastation caused by the war. Indeed,
although stating in its first paragraph that ‘all possible steps...[will]... be
taken to favour the attainment of international security and peace and

(^246) Sewell, UNESCO and World Politics, 72. See also ‘Conférence des ministres Alliés
de l’éducation: Projets de propositions pour an organisation éducative et culturelle des
Nations Unies,’ numéro spécial, Coopération Intellectuelle Internationale (a) (octobre–
novembre 1945): 44–55, 44.
(^247) Coopération Intellectuelle Internationale (a) (octobre–novembre 1945), 45. The state-
ment attached to the proposed statute presented by CAME was published in French in
Coopération Intellectuelle Internationale.
(^248) ‘Les questions éducative and culturelle dans les récentes conférences internationales,’
numéro spécial, Coopération Intellectuelle Internationale (octobre–novembre 1945): 27–9, 29.

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