Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1


recommended at the September 1949 meeting of the ISC that the ISC
and IPSA should collaborate in some manner. Indeed, there was for a
time a limited form of collaboration between the two organisations. For
example, between 1951 and 1953 the ISC and IPSA collaborated on
the preparation of three volumes called International Political Science
Abstracts all of which were published by UNESCO.^190
Yet it is clear that key figures at UNESCO saw the new rather than
old organisation as being more central to UNESCO’s aims and ambi-
tions. In opening the first IPSA conference, Torres Bodet put the fol-
lowing questions: ‘What can be more essential or urgent for the future
of mankind than a scientific study of government? Is there anything that
touches more nearly the whole essence of Unesco’s effort to establish
peace in the minds of men and prepare a life worthy of mankind?’ He
then stated that it was the ‘great object’ of political science to ‘realize
more satisfactory human relations in face of the dangers of war and total-
itarianism which our generation has experienced. The conditions which
have led to these experiences are world-wide, so the science of politics
must be world-wide.’^191
In responding to Torres Bodet, Maurice Duverger, on behalf of the
Association française de science politique, an association which was
established on July 14, 1949, tellingly stated: ‘While all sciences are to
some extent international, political science is much more so than the
other sciences.’^192 These observations were recalled and reiterated by

(^191) Jaime Torres Bodet, 1949, quoted in Quincy Wright, ‘The Significance of the
International Political Science Association,’ International Social Sciences Bulletin 3, no. 2
(1951): 275–80, 275.
(^192) Maurice Duverger, 1949, quoted in Wright, ‘The Significance of the International
Political Science Association,’ 275. The formation of the Association française de Science
Politique must be viewed in connection with the UNESCO political science project. See
Déloye, ‘Retour sur une naissance: 1949 ou l’histoire de l’AFSP au prisme de celle de
l’AISP-IPSA,’ 20.
(^190) International Political Science Abstracts: Documentation Politique Internationale, vols.
1 (Paris: UNESCO, Paris, 1951); International Political Science Abstracts: Documentation
Politique Internationale, vols. 2 and 3 (Paris: UNESCO, 1952); and International
Political Science Abstracts: Documentation Politique Internationale, vols. 1, 2 and 3 (Paris:
UNESCO, 1953). The International Studies Conference also published on behalf of
UNESCO a preliminary version of a ‘World List of International Relations Periodicals’ in

  1. See Liste mondiale des périodiques spécialisés dans les Sciences Sociales: World List of
    Social Science Periodicals (Paris: UNESCO, 1953), 5n.

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