Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1

resistance movement during the German occupation of Norway), that
while he considered it expedient that an English person be appointed to
this role, he ‘preferred to discuss the appointment with Dr. Berber of the
German group before making a final decision.’^139

berber’s scientific work

In 1936, a book edited by Berber entitled Locarno: A Collection of
Documents (Locarno: eine Dokumentensammlung) was published
both in German and English under the auspices of the Institut für
Auswärtige Politik in Hamburg and the Research Department of
the Deutsche Hochschule für Politik. On the title page of the book,
Berber was described as the director of the Research Department of the
Deutsche Hochschule für Politik and director of studies at the Institut
für Auswärtige Politik.^140 More than half the documents reproduced
in Locarno: A Collection of Documents concerned the first few months
of 1936, among them being the interview given by Hitler to Jouvenel
on February 21. Evidencing Berber’s role as his confidant and advi-
sor, the preface to the book, which was dated May 19, 1936, was
authored by Ribbentrop in his capacity as ambassador extraordinary and

(^139) H. O. Christophersen to Henri Bonnet, 29 March 1936. Conférence permanente
des hautes études internationales: Groupes internationaaux d’études, AG 1-IICI-K-18.b,
UA. Christophersen met with Fritz Berber and the two German Colonial Study Groups
in Berlin and Hamburg in October and November 1936. See Christophersen to
Dr. Gormsen, 28 October 1936, Christophersen to Margaret Cleeve, 5 November 1936,
and Fritz Berber to Henri Bonnet, 26 November 1936, AG 1-IICI-K-I-18.d, UA.
(^140) Berber, ed., Locarno: A Collection of Documents. See also Fritz Berber, ed., Locarno:
eine Dokumentensammlung (Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1936). In the biographi-
cal notes appended to the proceedings of what was called the ISC’s General Conference
on Collective Security in 1935, Fritz Berber is described as follows: ‘Privatdozent at
the Deutsche Hochschule für Politik, Berlin; Referent at the Institute fũr Ausländisches
Offtenliches Recht und Vōlkerrecht, Berlin.’ ‘Biographical Notes on the Delegates and
Participants at the Conferences at Paris and London and on the Authors of Memoranda
submitted in 1934 and 1935,’ in Bourquin, ed., Collective Security, 493. In the list of
participants in the 1936 conference of the ISC published in the ICIC’s monthly bulletin,
Berber is described as the ‘chef de Section’ at the Deutsche Hochschule für Politik. ‘Liste
des participants,’ Intellectual Coopération (a), nos. 68–69 (1936): 5–8, 7. See also Seabury,
The Wilhelmstrasse: A Study of German Diplomats Under the Nazi Regime, 52–3. Paul
Seabury notes that the research department of the Deutsche Hochschule für Politik, along
with the Geopolitisches Institut in Munich, assisted the Dienststelle Ribbentrop.

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