Story of International Relations

(Marcin) #1


At the time of the Yosemite conference, Dennery was secretary general
of the Centre d’études de politique étrangère, an organisation which
he had co-founded in 1935. He was also at this time the ISC’s secre-
tary-rapporteur on ‘Raw Materials and Markets’ in which capacity he had
charge of overseeing the preparation and submission of documentary
materials on the subject of access to raw materials and markets for the
benefit of participants in the ISC’s study conference on peaceful change
in 1937.^203 At the time of the Yosemite conference, Lévy, in addition
to being the secretary general of the Comité d’études des problems du
Pacifique, was the author of Extrême-Orient et Pacifique (1935) and
co-author of Les conséquences du développement économique du Japan pour
l’empire français (1936), the latter work being the result of a collabora-
tion between the Céntre d’études de politique étrangère and the Comité
d’Études des Problems du Pacifique.^204
Given the official pedigree of certain of its members, the following
observation of Condliffe should be of little surprise: remarking on the
French involvement with the IPR, Condliffe stated that although the
French Council of the IPR, namely, the Comité d’études des problems
du Pacifique was ostensibly a private organisation, he was ‘certain that
on many occasions’ it enjoyed the ‘direct support,’ by which he meant
financial support, ‘from the French Foreign Office.’^205
In terms of the IPR’s membership, the Yosemite conference was
notable for two further reasons. Firstly, it saw the admission to full
membership of the IPR of the ‘U.S.S.R. Council.’ In the preface to

(^203) Holland and Mitchell, eds., Problems of the Pacific, 1936, 436. As was the case with
Bonnet, Étienne Dennery’s participation in the French delegation was prompted by the
fact that the subject of peaceful change was on the agenda at Yosemite. See Scroggs to
Gross, 10 September 1936, AG 1-IICI-K-I-18.d, UA.
(^204) Holland and Mitchell, eds., Problems of the Pacific, 1936, 436. See also Roger Lévy,
Extrême-Orient et Pacifique (Paris: A. Colin, 1935), and Céntre d’études de politique
étrangère, Comité d’études des problèmes du Pacifique, Les conséquences du développement
économique du Japon pour l’empire français (Paris: Paul Harmann, 1936).
(^205) ‘Appendix 2: Holland-Hooper Interviews,’ in Paul Hooper, ed., Remembering the
Institute of Pacific Relations: The Memoirs of William L. Holland (Tokyo: Ryukai Shysha,
1995), 223.
coloniale (Paris: Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1938), xiii; and André Touzet, Le problème colo-
nial et la paix du monde, vol. 4, Recherche d’une solution de conciliation (Paris: Librairie du
Recueil Sirey, 1938).

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