
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Figure 1 is a suggested plan for the Lady Macbeth essay:
‘Lady Macbeth was a complex character who dominated her
husband. With detailed reference to the text, show how she
achieved her aims.’

Writing the essay

Having done your plan, you are now ready to start writing.

Make sure you keep to the point by referring frequently to
the title. Always keep it in front of you as you write. Make
sure that your essay flows naturally from one paragraph to
the next.

The introduction

Your opening sentence is very important because it will
either stimulate the reader to read on or put him off. It
should be concise so the reader can understand what you are
saying. You should aim to interest your reader from the
beginning. Sometimes it is a good idea to start with a ques-
tion – perhaps a controversial one. Look at the following two

Was Lady Macbeth a complex woman who dominated
her husband?
Did Lady Macbeth murder Duncan?

The first example leads the reader towards the discussion of
the title. The second one would be more appropriate for a
more philosophical discussion of the actual murder. Lady
Macbeth did not actually stab Duncan but she definitely
incited her husband to do so.


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