
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Writing Letters

In spite of telephones, faxes, e-mails and the Internet, it is
unlikely that letters will ever become redundant. A personal
letter shows that you are thinking of someone; a business
letter is a permanent record that can be produced, if
necessary, as evidence at a later date. Unless it is recorded,
there is no record of what was said on the telephone and a
business letter can be more detailed than fax messages or
even e-mail. Longer letterscanbe transmitted by a facsimile
machine (fax) but the quality of the reproduction is not as
good as the original. Of course, you can print out e-mail
letters and keep them.

Using e-mail

When sending a business letter by e-mail, it is not necessary
to put in addresses as the e-mail addresses will automatically
appear. If youdowish someone to reply by post or tele-
phone, you could insert your details into the body of the
e-mail. The endings would be the same as for printed or
handwritten letters.

Giving a warning

Do remember that a business e-mail isnotthe same as one
sent to a close friend. Do not use the ‘texting’ language that
you use on a mobile phone.


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