
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

the form there may be a blank section in which you are
asked to add anything else you think might be relevant.

Writing a covering letter

It is always a good idea to send a covering letter with both a
CV and an application form. It will follow the same format
as the formal letter in Chapter 11. When e-mailing, the
addresses are unnecessary. The letter can give more details
and also stress your interest in the job. Don’t make it
too long. One side of A4 or less should be sufficient. You
should, of course, draft it out before you send the final letter.
Highlight relevant points from your CV and say why you
would like the position for which you are applying. (See
Figure 26.)

Acquiring referees

Referees are usually people of standing in the community – a
doctor, a vicar, a teacher.

Teachers are often asked to be referees and they are usually
willing. If you have just left school, one of your teachers and
your headteacher would be useful referees. But do ask them

You should also ask your last employer to be a referee. This
can be difficult if he does not know you are applying for
another job. It is better to let him know as the new employer
will certainly get in touch. If you are a school-leaver and
you have had regular Saturday or evening employment, you
could ask your current boss.

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