
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Justify. Adjust margins so they are level.
Metaphor.An implied comparison of two things.
Noun, abstract.A word that denotes a quality or state.
Noun, collective. A singular word which refers to a group of
people or things.
Noun, concrete. The name of a thing.
Noun, proper. The name of a person or place. It always
begins with a capital letter.
Object.Anoun orpronoun that follows theverband is
related to thesubject.
Paragraph. A group of sentences dealing with the same
Personify. Giving an inanimate object human characteristics.
Phrase. A group of words not necessarily containing a verb
or making sense on its own.
Plagiarism. Using someone else’s work as your own.
Preposition. A word that governs a noun or pronoun.
Pronoun, interrogative.A pronoun that is used at the start of
a question.
Pronoun, personal. A word that takes the place of a noun.
Pronoun, relative. This has a similar role to aconjunction.It
joinsclausestogether but is closely linked to anoun.
Prose.Written language in sentences and paragraphs.
Referee. Someone who is asked to give a reference to an
Simile. A comparison of two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’.
Subject.Thenounor pronoun on which the rest of the
Summary. A shortened version of a longer piece of writing.
Synonym. A word that can be used to replace another.
Tautology. A statement that is repeated in a different way in
the same sentence.


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