
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Identifying finite verbs

Finite verbsmust showtense. They can bepast, presentor
futureand are always connected to a noun or pronoun. Look
at the following examples:

Yesterday shewas very unhappy. (past tense)
Heplays the piano very well. (present tense)
Tomorrow Iwill go to London. (future tense)

A finite verb can consist of more than one word.
Each sentence must contain at least one finite verb.

Looking at transitive and intransitive verbs

Transitive verbsare those which take an object:

Hetrimmed the hedge.

‘Hedge’ is the object so the verb is transitive.

Intransitive verbsdo not take an object:

Shedances beautifully.

There is no object so the verb is intransitive.

Some verbs can be used both transitivelyandintransitively.

Hewrote a letter. (transitive: ‘letter’ is the object)
Shewrites exquisitely. (intransitive: there is no object)

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