
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Expanding Your


Making words ‘agree’

As well as the pronouns in the previous chapter there are
a number of other pronouns. Because some of these are
singular and some are plural, the verb is often incorrectly used
with singular pronouns. Look at the following examples:

Each of youhave been given a pencil.
Each of youhas been given a pencil.

The second example is correct. ‘Each’ is asingularpronoun
and therefore ‘has’ should be used as it refers tooneperson
or thing. Look at the following examples:

She (one person)has a pencil. (singular)
They (several people)have been given pencils. (plural)

Some other pronouns which are singular and should always
be followed by the singular form of the verbs are: everyone,
nobody, anything, something:

Everyonecomes to the match.


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