
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Adverbs can also be used to modify or help other adverbs:

The doctor arrivedvery promptly.

‘Very’ is an adverb modifying the adverb ‘promptly’.

They can also modify adjectives:

The patient ismuch better today.

‘Much’ is anadverbmodifying theadjective‘better’.

Other adverbs are: too, more and however.

Using prepositions

Aprepositionis a word that ‘governs’ a noun or pronoun
and usually comes before it. It indicates the relation of the
noun or pronoun to another word. In the following examples
the prepositions are underlined. Notice they are all followed
by a noun or pronoun.

I knew she wasat home.
She ranacross the road.
The clouds were massingin the sky.
Her book wasunder the table.
He told meabout it.

There has been a tradition that a preposition should be not


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