
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
brush – brushes
buzz – buzzes
church – churches
duchess – duchesses
fox – foxes

Changing the form of a verb

When averbends in ‘y’ and it is necessary to change the
tense by adding other letters, the ‘y’ is changed into an ‘i’
and ‘es’ or ‘ed’ is added.

He willmarry her tomorrow.
He wasmarried yesterday.

A dog likes tobury his bone.
A dog alwaysburies his bone.

Using ‘long’ vowels and ‘short’ vowels

There is often a silent ‘e’ at the end of the word if the vowel
is ‘long’:

bite, date, dupe, hope, late.

Each of these words consists of one syllable (one unit of
sound). If another syllable is added, the ‘e’ is removed:

bite – biting
date – dating
hope – hoping

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