
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

idle lazy idol object of worship
know to have knowledge no opposite of yes
passed past tense of ‘pass’ past time gone by
to pass by
peace freedom from war piece a portion
peal a ring of bells peel rind of fruit
place particular area plaice a fish
poor opposite of rich pore tiny opening in skin
pour tip liquid out of
quay landing place for ships key implement for locking
rain water from clouds reign monarch’s rule
rein lead for controlling
sail sheet of material on sale noun from the verb
a ship ‘to sell’
to travel on water
sea expanse of salt water see to have sight of
seam place where two pieces seem to appear to be
of material are joined
sew stitches made by sow to plant seeds
needle and thread so indicating extent of
sole fish soul spirit
underneath of foot
some a particular group sum the total
son male offspring sun source of light
stake wooden stave steak cooked meat
suite furniture sweet confectionary dessert
piece of music
tail end of animal tale story
threw hurled throughpass into one side and
out of the other
tire to become weary tyre rubber covering on a


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