
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

‘Wear’ is the present tense of the verb ‘to wear’:

The Chelsea Pensionerswear their uniform with pride.

‘Whose’ or ‘who’s’
‘Whose’ is a relative pronoun which is usually linked to a

This is the boywhose father owns the Indian restaurant.

‘Who’s’ is an abbreviation of ‘who is’:

Who’s your favourite football player?

‘Your’ and ‘you’re’
‘Your’ is a possessive adjective and is followed by a noun. It
indicates possession:

Your trainers are filthy.

‘You’re’ is an abbreviation for ‘you are’:

You’re not allowed to walk over that field.

Exploring homonyms

Some words have the same spelling but can have different
meanings. This will usually depend on the context. The pronun-
ciation can also change. These words are calledhomonyms.

bow a tied ribbon or bow to incline the head
(noun) part of a violin (verb)
calf the fleshy part of the calf a young cow
leg below the knee


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