
(Steven Felgate) #1
Yourfish and chips is on the table.
Salt and pepper seasons food.
A roll and butter goes together.
Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is a traditional Sunday
Bread and butter was handed round.
Thereis a needle and thread in my workbasket.

Using ‘of’

If a singular noun is followed by ‘of’ and a plural noun, the
singular verb is used. It is thesingularnoun that is related to
the verb. In the following examples the singular noun and
the verb are both underlined.

Thereis a pile of plates on the table.
Thatpair of socksbelongs to Dan.
The collection of papershas blown out of the window.
Hispocketful of coinswas jingling.
A pound of pearsis very expensive.

Using pronouns correctly

There is often confusion when two pronouns or a noun and a
pronoun are used at the beginning or end of a sentence or
clause. When a pronoun is used as an object, its form is
different from its use as the subject of the sentence.

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