Improving Your Style
You have now been shown how to vary your sentence
construction. Your sentences should be organised into
paragraphs and you must plan your work before you start
writing. Decide what is to go into each paragraph.
Structuring a paragraph
Aparagraphconsists of several sentences dealing with one
topic. Your work should always be broken up into para-
graphs. If it is one long piece with no paragraphs, it will be
very difficult to read. Each paragraph should be indented so
that the reader is aware you are starting afresh. (For typed
letters and single spaced typing a space can be left between
the paragraphs instead of indenting. However, this should
notbe done in hand-written work.)
Each paragraph should be related in some way to the one
before it and the one after it.
Planning the topic sentence
Thetopic sentenceis the main sentence in the paragraph.
The other sentences expand on it. Its positioning in the
sentence can vary. In the following example it comes at
the beginning and the rest of the sentences tell you more
about it.