(past). The next sentence is slightly longer and contains an
object as well.
She (subject) gripped (finite verb) the table (object).
It could be elaborated with the addition of a phrase.
She gripped the tablewith both hands (phrase).
Then, collapsing on the floor, she sobbed.
‘Then’ is an adverb of time introducing the participial
phrase, ‘collapsing on to the floor’, which is followed by the
main clause, ‘she sobbed’.
The events of the day had upset her.
‘The events of the day’ is a noun phrase acting as the subject
of the sentence.
‘Had upset’ is the finite verb.
‘Her’ is the object of the sentence.
She was terrified.
The above sentence uses the adjective ‘terrified’ as the com-
plement of the sentence. It refers to the subject ‘she’.
Never again would she go out alone.