Chapter 4: Creating the Main Web Site
Building out the cat() Controller Function
Now all you have to do is run the right function in the right context and then pass the result set to a
single view. In the following code listing, the essential if statement is bold. Notice how the simple check
for parentid transforms this controller function into a multipurpose tool that allows you to build the
appropriate listing with the same set of views.
While you ’ re at it, include a few lines of code to redirect users back to the home page if the category page
being loaded is somehow bogus. You can do that very quickly with a simple PHP count() function:
function cat($id){
$cat = $this- > MCats- > getCategory($id);
if (!count($cat)){
$data[‘title’] = “Claudia’s Kids | “. $cat[‘name’];
if ($cat[‘parentid’] < 1){
//show other categories
$data[‘listing’] = $this- > MCats- > getSubCategories($id);
$data[‘level’] = 1;
//show products
$data[‘listing’] = $this- > MProducts- > getProductsByCategory($id);
$data[‘level’] = 2;
$data[‘category’] = $cat;
$data[‘main’] = ‘category’;
$data[‘navlist’] = $this- > MCats- > getCategoriesNav();
$this- > load- > vars($data);
$this- > load- > view(‘template’);
Creating the Category View
Before coding the category view, it would be worth the time to revisit the diagrams for the category and
subcategory views developed with the client. Here is the category view, illustrated in Figure 4 - 6.