Professional CodeIgniter

(singke) #1

Chapter 5: Building a Shopping Cart


Figure 5-11

Placing the Add to Cart Links

The next issue that needs addressing is adding “ add to cart ” links throughout the site. Currently, a
visitor can add a product to her cart on the home page and any product detail page. However, she can ’ t
do that on a subcategory page or a search results page.

First, open the search view (/system/application/views/search.php), and add an anchor after the
description that allows the user to add the product to her cart (bold in the following code):

< div id=’pleft’ >
< h2 > Search Results < /h2 >

< ?php
if (count($results)){
foreach ($results as $key = > $list){
echo “ < img src=’”.$list[‘thumbnail’].”’ border=’0’ align=’left’/ > \n”;
echo “ < h4 > ”;
echo anchor(‘welcome/product/’.$list[‘id’],$list[‘name’]);
echo “ < /h4 > \n”;
echo “ < p > ”.$list[‘shortdesc’]. “ < br/ > ”.
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