Professional CodeIgniter

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Chapter 6: Creating a Dashboard


Figure 6-3

When you ’ re all done, upload your files and log in to the dashboard. You should see a home page that is
similar to what ’ s pictured in Figure 6 - 3.

It ’ s certainly not flashy, but it ’ s functional and clean. Of course, if you were to click on any of those links,
none of them would work, so it ’ s time to start filling in the gaps in the system.

But before you do that, you will create a simple way to allow users to log out.

Creating a Sprint Backlog

Creating a logout function is very easy. In this particular case, the logout links are pointed at admin/
dashboard/logout. All you need to do then is create a logout() function in your admin/dashboard
controller that destroys the CodeIgniter session and then redirects users back to the welcome/verify page.

function logout(){
$this- > session- > set_flashdata(‘error’,”You’ve been logged out!”);
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