Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard
Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard
< h1 > < ?php echo $title;? > < /h1 >
< p > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/products/create”, “Create new product”);? >
< ?php
if ($this- > session- > flashdata(‘message’)){
echo “ < div class=’message’ > ”.$this- > session- > flashdata(‘message’).” < /div > ”;
if (count($products)){
echo form_open(“admin/products/batchmode”);
echo “ < p > Category: “. form_dropdown(‘category_id’,$categories);
echo “ & nbsp;”;
$data = array(‘name’= > ’grouping’,’size’= > ’10’);
echo “Grouping: “. form_input($data);
echo form_submit(“submit”,”batch update”);
echo “ < /p > ”;
echo “ < table border=’1’ cellspacing=’0’ cellpadding=’3’ width= ’500’ > \n”;
echo “ < tr valign=’top’ > \n”;
echo “ < th > & nbsp; < /th > < th > ID < /th > \n
< th > Name < /th > \n
< th > Status < /th > \n
< th > Actions < /th > \n”;
echo “ < /tr > \n”;
foreach ($products as $key = > $list){
echo “ < tr valign=’top’ > \n”;
echo “ < td align=’center’ > ”.form_checkbox(‘p_id[]’,$list[‘id’],FALSE).” < /td > ”;
echo “ < td > ”.$list[‘id’].” < /td > \n”;
echo “ < td > ”.$list[‘name’].” < /td > \n”;
echo “ < td align=’center’ > ”.$list[‘status’].” < /td > \n”;
echo “ < td align=’center’ > ”;
echo anchor(‘admin/products/edit/’.$list[‘id’],’edit’);
echo “ | “;
echo anchor(‘admin/products/delete/’.$list[‘id’],’delete’);
echo “ < /td > \n”;
echo “ < /tr > \n”;
echo “ < /table > ”;
echo form_close();
? >
Essentially, the form at the top of the view will post to a new controller function called batchmode().
The form will pass in an array of product IDs (captured from the p_id checkbox array), a category ID
(from the category dropdown), and a grouping label (from the text field).
The important thing here is that each product ID embedded in a checkbox matches the product ID you ’ re
dealing with. This is easily handled by simply adding the checkbox as you loop through the $products
The grouping field is very simple — just give the user a little bit of space to type in a text string. You ’ ll
use that text string (along with a selected category_id ) to update the products database.