Professional CodeIgniter

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Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard


To make the category dropdown work, you will need to update the index() function of the admin/
products controller. All you have to do is add one line, passing in a list of subcategory IDs and names.
In fact, all you have to do is copy a similar line from the edit() function:

function index(){
$data[‘title’] = “Manage Products”;
$data[‘main’] = ‘admin_product_home’;
$data[‘products’] = $this- > MProducts- > getAllProducts();
$data[‘categories’] = $this- > MCats- > getCategoriesDropDown();
$this- > load- > vars($data);
$this- > load- > view(‘dashboard’);

The result should look a lot like Figure 7 - 1.

Figure 7 - 1

Now it ’ s time to work on the batchmode() function. As you ’ re dealing with several important pieces of
data when you receive the form post, it might be a good idea to simply echo out what you receive. After
you parse out the data array, you can write a better function.

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