Professional CodeIgniter

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Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard


You ’ re not done yet, though. You still need to create the MProducts function reassignProducts() .This
function pulls the category_id from the incoming form POST data and converts the orphans session
array into a comma - delimited list. From that you can create a WHERE...IN clause and update the
Products table.

function reassignProducts(){
$data = array(‘category_id’ = > $this- > input- > post(‘categories’));
$idlist = implode(“,”,array_keys($this- > session- > userdata(‘orphans’)));
$where = “id in ($idlist)”;
$this- > db- > where($where);
$this- > db- > update(‘products’,$data);

Notice that this reassignProducts() function goes in the MProducts model. Even though you ’ ve been
working with MCats for a while, don ’ t be fooled. Keep related functions together — in this case, the
relationship is with the database table products.

When you test this new workflow, you should see a message on the categories index that confirms the
actions taken — in this case, the category was deleted, and its products were reassigned. The screen
should look something like Figure 7 - 9.

Figure 7-9

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