Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard
Figure 7-10
If you were to load the admin/colors/index controller in your browser, you would see something
similar to Figure 7 - 10.
There aren ’ t any records in the table, but that ’ s OK. You ’ ll shortly be creating a view that will allow you
to create colors, and then you ’ ll use the form to populate the table.
The admin_colors_create view is about as simple as it gets. It is just a short form that prompts the user
for a color name and status:
< h1 > < ?php echo $title;? > < /h1 >
< ?php
echo form_open(‘admin/colors/create’);
echo “ < p > < label for=’name’ > Name < /label > < br/ > ”;
$data = array(‘name’= > ’name’,’id’= > ’name’,’size’= > 25);
echo form_input($data) .” < /p > ”;
echo “ < p > < label for=’status’ > Status < /label > < br/ > ”;
$options = array(‘active’ = > ‘active’, ‘inactive’ = > ‘inactive’);