Chapter 7: Improving the Dashboard
function updateSize(){
$data = array(
‘name’ = > $_POST[‘name’],
‘status’ = > $_POST[‘status’]
$this- > db- > where(‘id’, $_POST[‘id’]);
$this- > db- > update(‘sizes’, $data);
function deleteSize($id){
$data = array(‘status’ = > ‘inactive’);
$this- > db- > where(‘id’, $id);
$this- > db- > update(‘sizes’, $data);
Here ’ s the admin_sizes_home view, precisely like colors except it uses the sizes nomenclature for data
arrays and links:
< h1 > < ?php echo $title;? > < /h1 >
< p > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/sizes/create”, “Create new size”);? >
< ?php
if ($this- > session- > flashdata(‘message’)){
echo “ < div class=’message’ > ”.$this- > session- > flashdata(‘message’).” < /div > ”;
if (count($sizes)){
echo “ < table border=’1’ cellspacing=’0’ cellpadding=’3’ width=’400’ > \n”;
echo “ < tr valign=’top’ > \n”;
echo “ < th > ID < /th > \n < th > Name < /th > < th > Status < /th > < th > Actions < /th > \n”;
echo “ < /tr > \n”;
foreach ($sizes as $key = > $list){
echo “ < tr valign=’top’ > \n”;
echo “ < td > ”.$list[‘id’].” < /td > \n”;
echo “ < td > ”.$list[‘name’].” < /td > \n”;
echo “ < td align=’center’ > ”.$list[‘status’].” < /td > \n”;
echo “ < td align=’center’ > ”;
echo anchor(‘admin/sizes/edit/’.$list[‘id’],’edit’);
echo “ | “;
echo anchor(‘admin/sizes/delete/’.$list[‘id’],’delete’);
echo “ < /td > \n”;
echo “ < /tr > \n”;
echo “ < /table > ”;
? >