Professional CodeIgniter

(singke) #1

Chapter 8: Last-Minute Upgrades


The getAllPages() function extracts all pages from the Pages database table.

function getAllPages(){
$data = array();
$Q = $this- > db- > get(‘pages’);
if ($Q- > num_rows() > 0){
foreach ($Q- > result_array() as $row){
$data[] = $row;
$Q- > free_result();
return $data;

The addPage() function allows you to add a record to the Pages database table.

function addPage(){
$data = array(
‘name’ = > $_POST[‘name’],
‘keywords’ = > $_POST[‘keywords’],
‘description’ = > $_POST[‘description’],
‘status’ = > $_POST[‘status’],
‘path’ = > $_POST[‘path’],
‘content’ = > $_POST[‘content’]

$this- > db- > insert(‘pages’, $data);

Please note that in this instance, as in any CodeIgniter situation dealing with POST data, you can use
$this- > input- > post() instead of $_POST. The main difference? The CodeIgniter function will
return FALSE (Boolean) if the item does not exist or contains no data.

The updatePage() function lets you update a record in the Pages database table.

function updatePage(){
$data = array(
‘name’ = > $_POST[‘name’],
‘keywords’ = > $_POST[‘keywords’],
‘description’ = > $_POST[‘description’],
‘status’ = > $_POST[‘status’],
‘path’ = > $_POST[‘path’],
‘content’ = > $_POST[‘content’]


$this- > db- > where(‘id’, $_POST[‘id’]);
$this- > db- > update(‘pages’, $data);

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