Professional CodeIgniter

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Chapter 8: Last-Minute Upgrades


And here ’ s the update in admin_header (in bold):

< div id=’globalnav’ >
< ul >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/dashboard/index”,”dashboard”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/categories/”,”categories”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/pages/”, “pages”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/products/”, “products”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/colors/”, “colors”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/sizes/”, “sizes”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/subscribers/”, “subscribers”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/admins/”, “users”);? > < /li >
< li > < ?php echo anchor(“admin/dashboard/logout/”, “logout”);? > < /li >
< /ul >
< /div >

When all is said and done, the home page for the subscribers area should look like Figure 8 - 7.

Figure 8 - 7

Creating the admin_subs_mail View

There is one last thing to do before revisiting the sendemail() function in the admin/subscribers
controller: Create the form that will allow the user to send out an e - mail to everyone on the subscriber
list. The form itself will be very simple, with a subject line, a text area for content, and a Submit button.
It ’ s also a good idea to include a checkbox for sending a test e - mail only.
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