Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

//Safe to instantiate className
$instance = new className();
} else {
//Not safe to instantiate className
echo 'className was not found';

Object Identification

Sometimes it is advantageous to have a unique code for each instance of a class. For this
purpose, SPL provides the spl_object_hash() function. Listing 9-16 shows its invocation.

Listing 9-16. Invoking spl_object_hash

class a {}
$instance = new a();
echo spl_object_hash($instance);

This code generates the following output:


Each hash is guaranteed to be unique for every object within the context of a single call.
Repeated execution will likely result in the same hashes being generated but is not guaranteed
to produce duplicate hashes. References to the same object in the same call are guaranteed to
be identical, as shown in Listing 9-17.

Listing 9-17. spl_object_hash and References

class a {}
$instance = new a();
$reference = $instance;
echo spl_object_hash($instance). "\n";
echo spl_object_hash($reference). "\n";

Listing 9-17 generates the following output:

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