Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

HTTP authentication, 305
httpd.conf file, 43, 320

IController implementing class, 208
id attributes, 65
IDatabaseBindings interface, 29
IDatabaseBindings-compatible object, 29
ifsetor syntax, 50, 52
IImage interface, 26
image factory, 24–29
overview, 23–24
portable database, 27–29
Image_* class, 26
ImageFactory class, 26
implements ISpeedInfo interface, 7
implements keyword, 6, 10
implementsInterface( ) method, 77, 102
.inc extension, 138
include file, 218
index controllers, 219–224
index directory, 220
indexAction default action, 220
indexAction method, 220
IndexController.php file, 220, 267
index.html document, 66
index.php file, 114, 217, 222
index.phtml file, 268
InfiniteIterator, 152
.ini file, 159
ini_set( ) method, 36
inifile handler parameter, 160
IniGroups, 160, 161
init( ) method, 261, 268
input and output attributes, 288

docblock tokenizer, 81–82
PHP 6, 41–43
Zend Framework, 215–216
instanceof operator, 8–9, 38, 77
int xdebug_memory_usage( ) function, 123
int xdebug_peak_memory_usage( )
function, 123
Integration role, 202
interfaces, 6–8
ArrayAccess, 130
iterators, 128–129, 143–145
IteratorAggregate, 144–145
OuterIterator, 145
RecursiveIterator, 145
Traversable, 143–144
Invalid Argument Exceptions, 194
InvalidArgumentException exception,
194, 198
Inversion of Control (IoC), 18
invoke( ) method, 79, 102
IoC (Inversion of Control), 18
IPlugin interface, 77
is function, 76, 225
isDot( ) method, 167
isParamTag( ) function, 92
ISpeedInfo interface, 7
isStreetLegal( ) method, 5
isUserDefined( ) method, 76, 102
itemizedlist tag, 70
ItemSearch operation, 295, 296
Iterator class, 173
Iterator interface, 127, 141, 143, 161, 167, 186
iterator_count($iterator) function, 130
iterator_to_array( ) method, 129, 145, 147 Page 337 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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