Pro PHP- Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

(vip2019) #1

metacommands, 232
metadata, 55, 58–59
methods, static, 16–18
.mine file, 109
mixed docblock_tokenize($comment,
$terseMode=false) method, 83
mixed json_decode(string $json, bool
$associative) method, 274
mixed string.parseJSON(filter) method, 276
mod_rewrite directive, 207
$mode parameter, 154
Model layer, 201
models, 221–224
configuring Framework to use databases,
creating, 223–224
MVC, 203
setting up databases, 221–222
models directories, 260
Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture,
application layout, 203–204
creating, 207–212
selecting, 204–205
setting up virtual hosts, 206
overview, 201
reasons to use, 201–203
Model-View-Controller architecture. See
MVC architecture
<modificationsets> element, 119
/module/controller/action format, 259
modules, 259–261
modules directory, 260

multiline comments, 57
multiple inheritance, 6
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture,
application layout, 203–204
creating, 207–212
selecting, 204–205
setting up virtual hosts, 206
overview, 201
reasons to use, 201–203
mychapter.html file, 66
MyExtendedObject method, 18
myfirstrepo directory, 108
myfirstrepo2 directory, 108
myLoader( ) method, 138
MyObject class, 15
myOtherMethod method, 18
MyOtherObject class, 15
MySQL class, 29
myVariable class, 16

name attribute, 286
name variable, 220
namespace constructs, 47
namespace statement, 52
namespaces, PHP 6, 47–48
natcasesort( ) method, 181
natsort( ) method, 181
new EmptyIterator( ) method, 157
new keyword, 4
new operator, 4, 23 Page 339 Thursday, March 6, 2008 1:43 PM

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