Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1


Theorem 4.20 If a language L C - C* is Turing-acceptable, then L = L(G)
for some grammar G.

Proof. We assume that L = L(M) for some TM AI such that AI always halts
with the empty output. That is, when A& halts, its configuration is always of
the form (h,BB) (cf. E xercise 5 of Section 4.2).
Now, we define G to be the grammar that contains all reversals of the rules
of GM (i.e., G contains a rule u -+ u if u -+ v is a rule in GM), plus the rules

S + [BhB], sB] __) L,
aL -+ La, [BL __) E,

for all a E C, where L is a new nontermial symbol.
We note that if AJ accepts a string X, then [BxsB] A> [BhB]. Thus, we

S ‘q [BhB] & [BXSB] * [BxL =& [BLx -a x

Conversely, if M does not accept x then we cannot have [ BxsB
and so there is no way to generate x in G.

Exercises 4.5

1 A GM [BhBl,

  1. Consider the grammar Gr with nonterminals V = {S, A, B, C}, termi-
    nals C = {a, b, c}, and rules

S---+ASBC 1 E,
AB + BA, AC + CA, BA + AB,
BC + CB, CA + AC, CB + BC,
A + a, B + b, c -+ c.

(a) Show a derivation of string ccbaabcba.
(b) What is L(Gl)? G ive a brief argument for your answer.

  1. Consider the grammar G:! with nonterminals V = {S, A, L, Lh, R, [ ,] },
    terminal C = {a} and rules

S --+ [ARa] ( a, RA ---+AR, Ra ---+ aaR,
R] -+L] ILh, AL + LA, aL --+ La,
[L + [AR, aLh __) Lha, ALh __) &a,
[Lh -+&

(a) Show a derivation of a6.
(b) What is L(Gz)? G ive a brief argument for your answer.
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