Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1

halts with output w. (In particular, if the current instruction label is Li,

with i greater than the number 12 of instructions in P, then the machine


For any LMA A& we let L(M) = { 1x3 E C* 1 A4 halts on z}, We say

A4 computes a partial function f : C + I’, if A4 halts on each input

g E Domain(f) with the final sentential form w = f(z), and A4 does

not halt on any II: 4 Domain(f).

( > a

* Cb)

* (4

* Cd)

Design an LMA k! that computes the function f(z) = xR for

x E {a,b}*.

Show that every Turing-computable function f is computable by

an LMA.

Show that for any LMA M, L(M) is Turing-acceptable.

Show that every partial function f computed by an LMA A4 is


4.6 Primitive Recursive Functions

In this section, we consider only integer functions f : N” -+ N, for k > - 1. We

will build a class of integer functions from three types of initial functions and

two operations on functions.

lnitiul Fzanctions. The following functions are called initial functions:

1. (Zero function) c(n) = 0, for n E N.

2. (Successor function) g(n) = n + 1, for n E N.

3. (Projection functions) nf (ni, l l. , nk) = ni .l

Composition: Let m, k be two positive integers. Given functions g : N” +

N and /zi : N’ + N for i = 1,2, l. l , m., define f : N’ + N by

Function f is called the composition of functions g and hl,... , h,. We write

YO(hl,*-, hm) to denote the function f.

Primitive Recursion: Let k > 0. Given g : Nk + N and h : Nk+2 -+ N,

(when k = 0, g is just a constant), define f : N”+l -+ N by

f(W) l ’ l ‘) nk,m+l) = h(nl,-•,nk,m,.f(nl,-•,nk,m)), m > - 0.

‘A remark ab o u t notation: when we write an integer i as a subscript in the function
name, such as $, it means that i is a fixed integer. For instance, the fact that 7r” are
computable by Turing machines for any fixed k and any fixed i, 1 2 i 5 k, does not imply
directly that the function f ‘(rq,... ,nk,i) = $ (nl,... , nk) is computable by a Turing
machine. See also Exercise 2 of this section.
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