Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1


  1. What is wrong with the following proof of Example 4.25?

We prove it by induction on n, as in Example 4.28. When n =

0, s(m,n) = n:(n); so, g(m, 0) is primitive recursive. For n > -

0, g(m, n+l) = f(g(m, n)). Since f is primitive recursive and,
by the inductive hypothesis, g(m, n) is primitive recursive, we
get that g( m, n + 1) is also primitive recursive. It follows that
g (m, n) is primitive recursive for all n 2 0 and, hence, g is
primitive recursive.





Assume that R : N’+l + N is a primitive recursive predicate. Show
that the following function f : N”+l -+ N is also primitive recursive:

(maxi)a<,R(nl,. -.. , nk, i)
f(nl,-+k,m) =

if (3i)i<,R(nl, -... , nk, i),
0 otherwise.

Assume that f : Nk+’ + N is primitive recursive. Show that the
following functions are also primitive recursive:
(a) g(nl,-,nk,m) = ~~~.f(nl,-+k,+
(b) h(nl,-+k,m) = n~~.f(nl,-vnk,+
Assume that f : N -+ N is primitive recursive and satisfies f (0) = 0
and f(n) < f(n + 1) f or all n > 0. Show that the function h(m) = [the
integer n such that f(n) < - m 2 f (n + l)] is also primitive recursive.
Assume that both f : N + N and g : N + N are primitive recursive.
Show that the following function h : N2 + N is also primitive recursive:

h(n,O) = f(n),


q-J, r7-2 + 1) = !J(h(n, l=pJ))*

Assume that f : N -+ N is primitive recursive. Show that the following
function g : N2 + N is also primitive recursive:

s(n, 0) = f(n),
s(n, n-2 + 1) = s(s(n, m), m)*

  1. Pairing Functions and Gijdel Numberings

In this section, we extend the operation of primitive recursion to more general
recursion operations. For instance, we would like to prove that the Fibonacci
function F : N + N, defined by the double recursion below, is primitive
F(0) = 0,
F(1) = 1,
F(n + 2) = F(n) + F(n + 1).
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