Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1
4.8 Partial Recursive Functions 215

Unbounded Minimization: Given a total predicate g : N”+l + (0, l}, define

function f : N” + N by

f (nl > ’ l l 7 nk) =
(minm)g(nl,*‘*~nk~m) if(3m)g(nl,**‘,nk,m),

-r otherwise.

We say f is obtained by unbounded minimization operation from function g,

and simply write f(nl,-,nk) = (minm)g(nl,***,nk,m).

Partial Recursive Functions: A partial function f defined on Nk is called

partial recursive if it is an initial function or if it can be obtained from initial

functions by a finite number of applications of composition, primitive recur-

sion, and unbounded minimization. A partial recursive function f is also

called a recursive function if f is a total function.

Remarks. (1) Note that, in the above definition of unbounded minimization,

we required that this operation can only be applied to total functions. In-

deed, it is easy to obtain a nonrecursive function by applying the unbounded

minimization operation on a nontotal recursive function (see, e.g., Exercise 7

of Section 5.4).

(2) In the definition of partial recursive functions, we implicitly extended

the operation of composition to nontotal functions. For instance, if f is a

partial function on N and g(n) = 2n + 1, then the composition of g and f is

=zf (n) + 1

h(n) = { T

if f(n) -1>
if f(n)? l

For convenience, we often simply write h(n)

partial functions f, g on N, we write f = g

either both f(n) and g(n) are undefined, or

and their values are equal.

There are two classes of computable sets

recursive functions.

Recursive Sets: A set A C - N” is recursive

= 2f(n) + 1. S imilarly, for two

to mean that, for each n E N,

both f(n) and g(n) are defined

related to the notion of partial

if its characteristic function

XA(nl I 732, l l l j nk) =
1, if(nl,n2,-.,nk) EA
0, if @I, 122,. l l ) nk)^4 A

is a (total) recursive function.

Recursively Enumerable Sets. A set A C - N” is recursively enumerable (or,

simply, r. e.) if its semi-characteristic function

is a partial recursive function.

In addition, we say a set A c - N” k primitive recursive if XA is primitive

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