Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1
4.8 Partial Recursive Functions 221

Figure 4.19: The Turing machine for SUCC.

Theorem 4.45 For any grammar G over C, L(G) is r.e.

Proof. For any string x E C*, II: E L(G) if and only if (3k)derive&x, k). •I

Next, we show that partial recursive functions are Turing-computable.

First, we show that changing of base is Turing-computable. The basic repre-

sentation for nonnegative integers is Ci = {l}, with the string In representing

the integer n.

Lemma 4.46 For any fixed C, let m : CT + C* be the function m( In) =

Lx(n). Then, both - and r<’ are Turing-computable.

Proof. First, we note that the function succ : C + C which maps a string

x to its successor in the lexicographic ordering is Turing-computable. The

machine A&,,, for succ is shown in Figure 4.19.

Next, we design a three-tape TM M that computes the function 5, using

tape 1 as the input tape, tape 2 as the work tape and tape 3 as the output

tape. We only describe the basic structure of the machine and omit the precise


(1) iV copies the input to tape 2.

(2) M repeats step 3 until tape 2 has no symbol 1 left.

(3) M removes a symbol 1 from tape 2 and then simulates the machine

Ad succ on tape 3.

It is clear that when tape 2 has no symbol 1 left, tape 3 will have the nth

string of C* under the lexicographic ordering.

For the function $, we can design a TM A4-i that performs just the inverse

of the above machine AL That is, Mi first copies the input II: to tape 2. Then,

it simulates a machine that computes the inverse function of succ on tape 2

and writes a symbol 1 on tape 3, and it repeats this until tape 2 has no symbol

in C left. We leave the details to the reader as an exercise.^0
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