Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, and Complexity

(Dana P.) #1

Theorem 4.47 Every partial recursive function is Turing-computable.

Proof. From the above lemma, we know that we only need to prove that all
partial recursive functions defined on integers are Turing-computable, with
respect to the representation Cl = {l}. In the following, whenever there is
no confusion, we do not distinguish integer n from its representation 1”.
First, it is easy to see that the zero function c and the successor function CT
are Turing-computable. Furthermore, Example 4.8 showed that the projection
functions Y$ are all Turing-computable. So, all initial functions are Turing-
Next, we need to prove that the operations of composition, primitive re-
cursion and minimization preserve Turing-computability.
Composition. Assume that g : N” + N and hi : N” + N, 1 < - i < - m,
are computed by 3-tape TM’s A&, 0 < i < m, respectively. We design a new
four-tape TM IM that computes function-

as follows:
(1) M repeats step 2 for i = 1,2,... , m.
(2) M simulates TM A&i on input (nl,... , nk), using tape 1 as the input
tape, tape 2 as the output tape and tape 3 as the work tape. More
precisely, for each simulation of machine A& it starts with the tape

(B~“‘B~~~B.. l BlnkB, BltlBog VBlt’-lB,BE&

and ends with the tape configuration

(B~B~EI.. l ~iT3, BP~B.. •BP~-~B~%, BE),

where tj = hj(nl,.. .,nk), for j = I,.. .,m,

(3) M simulates TM A& on input (tl, t2,. “9 t m ) 1 using tape 2 as the input

tape, tape 3 as the output tape and tape 4 as the work tape.
Note that when M finishes the simulation of Mm, the configuration of tape

2 is

BltlB l l l BIt2B l l .B+E#,

and so the set up of the input to Mo is correct.
Primitive Recursion. Assume that g : N” + N and h : Nk+2 + N are
computed by 3-tape TM’s &$ and A&, respectively, and assume f : Nk+l +
N is defined from g and h by primitive recursion. We can design a new
multi-tape TM 1M to compute f in a bottom-up fashion: it first computes
t0 = g(n1, l l l^9 nk), and then uses this to to compute tl = h(nl,... , nk, 0, to),
and repeatedly computes ti+l = h(nl,... , nk, i, ti) for i = 1,2,.. ., m (cf. the
remark after Theorem 4.37). The detail of the machine M is left as an exercise.
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