Authoring a PhD Thesis How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Dissertation by Patrick Dunleavy

(Brent) #1

is endnotes, discussed below.) Harvard referencing is perhaps
the most widely used approach in academic life. There has been
a long-term trend for more journals and book publishers to
switch over to it, mainly because it saves space and tends to
deliver a cleaner and simpler text than do notes of any kind.
The system requires only two elements, an in-text reference,
and a single, integrated bibliography at the end of the thesis,
book or article.

◆ Thein-text referenceincludes only the author surname
(family name), the year date of publication, and page
number details, all enclosed in brackets. For example:
( Jones, 1999, p. 14; Jones and Crank, 1997, pp. 86–7).
An alternative way of citing page numbers leaves out the
p. or pp. and just puts in a colon after the year date,
followed by the pagination, as (Jones, 1999: 14–17).
Chapters can be indicated by Ch. or Chs. Whole-book
references can be given with just the author surname and
date. Where the same author has several publications with
the same year date included in the bibliography, add single
letters to the date to differentiate, as: 1999a.
◆ Thebibliographylists every source cited in the work,
arranged in alphabetical order of the first author’s surname,
and then date order, for example:


Jones, Terence B. (1999) ‘Academic time-wasting in universities’,
American Journal of Scholasticism, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 12–71.
Jones, Terence B. and Crank, Arthur (1997) One Book Academics:
What Goes Wrong?(London: Futuristic Press). Second edition.
Jones, Terence B. and Winge, Steven A. (2001) ‘Deconstructing
post-modern writers’ angst’, Times Literary Supplement,
26 September, pp. 70–1.

Notice that authors’ single-author works come before those
written with others, and thereafter dual-authored works
come before triple-author works, and so on. If a
first author has several co-written works with the same
number of people involved, use the alphabetical order
of the second co-author’s surnames to set the sequence
(thus Jones and Crank comes before Jones and Winge in
the box above).
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