Authoring a PhD Thesis How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Dissertation by Patrick Dunleavy

(Brent) #1


Opening epigraph

‘All rules for study ...’, Friedrich Wilhem Joseph von Schelling,
On University Studies(Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1966), trans-
lated by E. S. Morgan, edited with an Introduction by N. Guterman,
p. 34.


  1. Michael Oakeshott, ‘The study of “politics” in a university: An essay
    in appropriateness’, in his Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays
    (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1991), p. 194. Originally published 1962.

  2. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Ch. 3, from the volume J. S. Mill,
    Utilitarianism, Liberty and Representative Government(London: Dent,
    1968), p. 123. Originally published 1859.

  3. Max Weber discussed bureaucratization most clearly in The Theory
    of Social and Economic Organization(London: William Hodge, 1947),
    pp. 302–12. It was originally written in 1913.

  4. Friedrich Wilhem Joseph von Schelling, On University Studies
    (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1966), translated by
    E. S. Morgan, edited with an Introduction by N. Guterman; Francis
    Bacon,The Advancement of Learning(London: Dent, 1861), edited
    by G. W. Kitchen.

  5. Von Schelling, On University Studies, p. 34.

  6. I thank especially my supervisees who have completed doctorates:
    Kate Ascher, Françoise Boucek, Ian Emsley, Raquel Galliego-
    Calderon, Stephen Griggs, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Stephanie Hoopes,
    Jaejuhn Joo, Won-Taek Kang, Tom Ioannou, Leo Keliher, Kuang-Wu

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