Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 441 (2020-04-10)

(Antfer) #1

Cardi B recently inexplicably ran headfirst into a
massive Jenga tower and a daffy Madonna sang
her hit “Vogue” into a hairbrush but changed the
lyrics to include fried fish. Hillary Swank learned
to crochet — and now has a new knit hat to
prove it. Ariana Grande showed off her natural
hair and Marlee Matlin put on her old wedding
dress. “I’m losing my mind but what else is there
to do?” she wrote.

Stuck inside, Justin Bieber reverted to a
childhood objective. Clad in a onesie and a
winter hat, the singer attempted a round of “
The Floor Is Lava ” in his massive living room,
leaping onto cushions, chairs, foot stools, two
skateboard and a roller. The video has been seen
over 9 million times.

“I think now people need the human touch even
more, and I think celebrities really understand
that,” says Neal Schaffer, a social media strategy
consultant whose new book is “ The Age of
Influence.” “People want to relate to real things,
real people.”

While some influencers and stars continue
to post a flood of flattering, carefully stage-
managed images with every hair in place, others
are indeed mirroring us — unshaven, unwashed
and not ashamed.

“When I drink, I get really, really brilliant ideas,”
the singer Pink confessed recently. “And last
night, I got an idea — I can cut hair.” She then
reveals some choppy, shaved spots on her head.

Celebrities, it turns out, really are just like us:
They get drunk and do stupid stuff, too. And
they’re like us in another way, too: Pink later
announced that she also had contracted
the virus.

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