Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 441 (2020-04-10)

(Antfer) #1

to reinvent yourself and become an authority
during these challenging circumstances,
offering your talents to the world for a fee.
Whether you share your artwork on Reddit
and take commissions in your direct messages,
post your interior design skills on Pinterest
and offer virtual appointments via Zoom, or
develop an app for the App Store that bundles
together your knowledge with video tutorials
and exercises, there are endless possibilities,
provided you are motivated and are ready to put
in some hard graft.

Quarantine also offers an opportunity for
experienced professionals and entrepreneurs
to put pen to paper and begin their own book.
eBooks and paperbacks on career development
and self-help go down well, and though they
might take several months to write and format
ready for sale, the payoff can be enormous with
the right push. One author earns $450,000
a year from self-published books on Amazon.
You could even create an eBook and offer it
as a free download in exchange for email
addresses, perfect for lead generation.


Once you’ve decided on a skill you’d like to sell,
the next step is to find the right platform so you
can find customers. Naturally, social media is a
good place to start, though setting up a new
account for your entrepreneurial efforts makes
sense, as it may be offputting to some if you
try to sell products directly to your friends and
family during these unprecedented times.

Freelancing with a specific skill set you have is
a great way to make money from home, and

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