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varieties are well established, and so accepted that they are often quite
openly used.
Before we look at specific instances of the process of misrecognition, it
will be useful to focus attention on two analytical tools. The first is a
working model of the way institutions subordinate linguistically. The
second is a brief consideration of the way this language subordination
model is realized in the uneven distribution of what will be called the
communicative burden.

A model of the language subordination process

The steps in the language subordination process included in this model
(Figure 5.1) have been compiled from an analysis of a wide range of
reactions or actions of dominant bloc institutions when a threat to the
authority of the homogenous language of the nation-state has been
perceived. The elements in this model grew out of analysis of many kinds
of public commentary on language use and language communities, but

they are similar to other models of ideological processes.^5

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