
(ff) #1

Taken in context, however, this impression cannot stand firm. In Figure
7.8, which compares positive, negative and mixed motivations (the
marginal characters have been removed for the sake of this discussion) by
major language groups, it becomes clear the overall representation of
persons with foreign accents is far more negative than that of speakers of
U.S. or British English. About 20 percent of U.S. English speakers are bad
characters, while about 40 percent of non-native speakers of English are

Figure 7.8 Animated characters by positive, negative, and mixed motivations by major
language groups

Additional interesting patterns come forward when we examine the
representation of specific languages linked to national origin, race, or

Getting the hang of Technicolor

Race and ethnicity are particularly sensitive issues in all Disney animated
films. The company has repeatedly and soundly offended different
segments of the population, but the most glaring missteps have to do with
the representation of African Americans and people of color more
generally. Examples include irresponsible Latinos and gregarious Italians

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