
(ff) #1

Quote Origin Citation

“I forgot he was Black tonight, for
an hour. You know he’s gone a
long way to become a leader of
this country ... wait a minute, he’s
an African American guy in front
of a bunch of white people and
there he is, president of the United
States and we’ve forgotten that
[he’s African American] tonight.”

Chris Matthews, political

Live broadcast after the
Presidential State of the
Union Address.
MSNBC. January 27,

“If President George W. Bush got
slapped around for being
inarticulate, is Obama obnoxiously

Liz Sidoti, Associated

  1. “In a Skeptical
    Age, Obama Is
    Government’s Face.” AP
    News. October 13

“He’s charismatic, he’s articulate,
he’s a very strong figure on the
national stage. But something tells
me that people are going to say
[they want] experience and depth.
As a result it’s going to be, ‘Can
he live up to the standards?”’

Karl Rove, Republican

  1. “Rove: Obama
    ‘Articulate’ but
    Inexperienced.” Politics.
    CNN.com. March 9

“I mean, you got the first
mainstream African-American
who is articulate and bright and
clean and a nice-looking guy. I
mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Senator Joe Biden
Democrat of Delaware

  1. “Biden’s
    Description of Obama
    Draws Scrutiny.” Politics.
    CNN.com. February 9

“But his biggest advantage could
be his persona – young, attractive,
articulate, a fresh face.”

Anonymous editorial 2007. Christian Science
Monitor. January 17

“Look at the health care bill. It was
his number one priority. It took him
forever to get it through and he
had to compromise it to death.”
And a version of, “Listen he’s a
nice person, he’s very articulate,”
this is what’s been used against
him, “but he couldn’t sell
watermelons if it, you gave him
the state troopers to flag down the

Dan Rather, news
anchor and commentator

  1. Commentary
    made on The Chris
    Matthews Show.
    MSNBC. March 8

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