
(ff) #1

Real People with a Real



The Workplace and the Judicial System

I am from India. Now a US citizen and live in USA for about 24
years. I had my University education in USA. After my PhD and 6
years of employment now I am unemployed and unable to secure a
job. Recently I applied for a job ... The employer called, told me that
it was a prescreening interview. She told me she likes everything
about me, but she does not like my accent. She said, as a part of the
job I need to do telephone interviews ... She also said she called me
first, because she does not want to waste time ... when it comes to
hiring and promotion, my opportunity for advancement is clearly
based on my accent.
Anonymous commenter, http://www.theworkbuzz.com, October 27,

I never thought about my accent much while I was living in
Mississippi. My family had been there over 200 years ... I moved to
Texas and once again, my accent came under fire. I even overheard
my boss talking to a coworker one day; she said, “If I’d known how
bad her accent was, I never would have hired her.”
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