
(ff) #1
State Population
Kentucky 4,234,999
Louisiana 4,342,582
Mississippi 2,918,790
North Carolina 9,036,449
Oklahoma 3,606,200
South Carolina 4,403,175
Tennessee 6,144,104
Texas 23,845,989
Virginia 7,698,738
West Virginia 1,810,358
The South, Total 103,188,360
US total 307,006,550

However, there are a few features that almost all the Southern varieties
of American English have in common, salient and distinct markers of the
South. These are three of many features that outsiders will try to use when
imitating someone from the South. That is, this is what most Northerners
expect to hear when venturing South of the Mason– Dixon line:

1. the merger of /i/ and /e/ before nasal sounds (so that “pin” and
“pen” are both “pin,” “hem” and “him” are both “him,” etc.
Figure 11.2);
2. the monophthongization of /ai/ to /a/ as in the words tie, rice,
dime which will sound something like tah, rahs, dahm.
3. you all or y’all for the second person plural pronoun.
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