
(ff) #1

a program (training the investigators, etc.) that would
reach judicious, consistent evaluations? What would that
look like?
How is the language situation in Quebec relevant to the
conflicts in the U.S. Southwest? Do you feel the
Francophone laws in Quebec were well founded?
Reasonable? Understandable? What do you think might
happen if/when the Spanish-speaking population of Arizona
reaches a strong majority?
Explore the Pew Hispanic Center Web site by following the
link to “Reports.” Identify an issue that is (a) language
related; and (b) could be addressed, at least in part, by
“making the invisible visible” to Anglos.
Consider the Census maps from the 2007 American
Community Survey in this chapter. Note that those areas
of the country which are most heavily bilingual
Spanish/English are not necessarily the areas where
English language facility is lowest. Why might that be, for
example, in New Mexico?
“Discomfort is not oppression. It is a sign of privilege when
white students believe they should be able to understand
everything going on around them or never have their racial
embodiment questioned publicly.” Discuss.
Pursue the issue of the Mexican-American Ethnic Studies
Program in the Tucson school district. A few places to start:

Strauss, V. (2010) Why Arizona Targeted Ethnic
Studies. The Washington Post, May 25. Available at:
Arizona, in the Classroom [Editorial] (2011) The New
York Times. January 17: A22. Available at:
Tucson United School District Mexican American
Studies Department Presentation to the TUSD
Governing Board January 12, 2010 Director: Sean
Arce, M.Ed. Available at: http://goo.gl/MpWO3.
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