
(ff) #1

5 It is important to note that Spanish is not the only language spoken in
the countries identified as Hispanic. The Mexican population of more
than 104 million includes more than 8 million speakers of indigenous
Indian languages (about 8 percent of Mexico’s total population), of
whom almost half a million are monolingual and speak no Spanish at
all (Lewis 2009). Guatemala’s population of 9.3 million is
approximately 55 percent Indian and 44 percent Mestizo. The Indian
population includes some 20,000 speakers of Kanjobal, 5,000 of whom
are reported to be in Los Angeles (ibid.).
6 It is important to remember that the study of code-switching does not
imply any kind of endorsement of code switching as the basis of
language policy in educational setting.
7 In her (1995) book Verbal Hygiene, Cameron has an excellent
discussion of the term “politically correct” that is well worth reading.
8 Gómez uses the term “off-white” but notes: “I might just as easily use
the term ‘off-black’ to describe Mexican Americans’ in-between
status. Employing the term ‘off-white,’ however, invites focus on
Mexicans’ striving (but rarely succeeding) for white status and
equality with whites” (2007: 163).
9 With apologies (and thanks) to Jane Hill, whose groundbreaking work
in this area has been invaluable.
10 Fought’s interviews with Latinos/as in Los Angeles also included
discussions with bilingual speakers to explore the range of opinions on
this subject.
11 Less than 4 percent of Mexico’s population lives in Oaxaca, which
contributes about 1 percent to the national economy. Over 60 percent
of the population lives in poverty; only 6.4 percent of the population
finishes grade school. Available at: http://goo.gl/76kMs.
12 The Chatino example originates from Pride (1965); subsequently I had
help with it and its translation into Spanish. Thanks to Monica
Macaulay, Joe Salmons, and George Aaron Broadwell. All
imperfections are, of course, mine alone.
13 All direct quotations come from the complaint that was filed with the
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, Jackson
Division, naming the Mississippi Department of Human Services and
Singing River Health System as defendants.

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