
(ff) #1
offense itself. Just beneath the surface is denial of having
caused offense at all.
2. Express regret that a statement had an adverse effect on others
or was perceived as offensive: I’m sorry that your feelings
were hurt. This puts the onus on the person who was offended.
One way to think about this: When I punched you in the face,
it was not my intent to break your nose. Really.
3. Apologize for the style alone: I apologize for my abrupt tone.
4. Apologize for a specific and limited component of the offense
while rejecting the bulk of it; I apologize for generalizing
about Asians. It’s only the Japanese who are the true model
5. Apologize using passive constructions and euphemisms to
mitigate responsibility: my words were taken out of context
(you deliberately misunderstood me); the situation was
misinterpreted (the situation rather than the act itself); people
have told me I was wrong to say it (that’s what people say, but
I’m not buying it); and the classic: mistakes were made (but
not by me).
6. Apologize while using gestures and facial expressions to
undermine the sincerity of the words themselves. I’m sorry
that you were [AIR QUOTES] offended.
7. Apologize while claiming authority to do so: I’m sorry if you
were offended, but I’m a straightforward person, I call’em like
I see’em.
8. Often a person will simply go on the offensive: Can’t you take
a joke? or You’re the one who is racializing this discussion,
not me or Wow, you are a drama queen, aren’t you? or How
dare you say I’m prejudiced. I am the one being discriminated

In the aftermath of the December 5, 2006 performance by O’Donnell,
many of these strategies and tactics were employed by herself, her
colleagues and her weblog visitors. Her exchanges with people who visit
her weblog were particularly interesting, because it was her policy to

respond briefly to every comment visitors left.^8 In that venue her “ching-
chong” joke came up repeatedly over a few weeks, with two kinds of

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