
(ff) #1

break! You were speaking Gibberish to symbolize a language you
didn’t know. So what?!

RO: so what is right

(10) Hiroyuki writes: Rosie, Till this latest incident I was on your
side. How could you use racist stereotyping? If what you say in the
past is true, what you say in the unguarded is true – then I guess you
are a racist

RO: come on hirou gotta be kidding

(11) Ben writes: If the joke were about fat people and instead went:
“Fat people around the world heard it. They probably said, ‘Gobble
gobble, munch munch, DeVito, drunk, munch view, gobble.’ Would it
offend you?

RO: well / it would offend me / as it makes no sense / but the joke
was about / the absurdity / of danny devito drunk on the view / being
INTERNATIONAL NEWS / then the offensive ching chong / and
we’re off 2 the races

(12) Ploy writes: Did you really think that Chinese bit was funny?
Going “ching chong” is exactly how people degraded and mocked my
family all our lives. It’s distasteful and it hurts me that it comes from

RO: i am sorry it hurt u poly / all the people who made fun of u / in a
negative way / for being who u r / my bad accent was not meant to
insult or degrade / linguistic incompetence – guilty / mocking – never

(13) mel writes: i love you rosie and i’m not offended by your asian
joke but the reason people are is because you weren’t doing an accent.
you weren’t speaking actual chinese, just mocking their speech.

RO: i wasn’t mocking / that’s my best impression / accents r tough /
on the whole

(14) denise writes: Rosie you would have had a cow if someone did
what you did to the chinese about Gay people. For Shame.

RO: like someone doing a gay guy with a lisp / like i do / a lot / 4
shame back at ya

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